Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Kang, Manjit makang@marin.edu
Kaplan, Tessa tkaplan@marin.edu
Karel, Ellen ekarel@marin.edu
Kas-Osoka, Joshua jkasosoka@marin.edu
Keener, Margarita MKeener@marin.edu
Keiser, Shaun skeiser@marin.edu
Kelly, Ingrid IKelly@marin.edu
Kelly, Patrick PKelly@marin.edu
Kerow, Chahmal ckerow@marin.edu
Kerr, Grant gkerr@marin.edu
Kesler, Mary mkesler@marin.edu
Khazaeli Parsa, Poupak PKhazaeliParsa@marin.edu
Kim, James jmkim@marin.edu
Kim, Shinna shkim@marin.edu
Kimelman, Noreen nkimelman@marin.edu
King, Dave DKing@marin.edu
Kinnard, Mandy mkinnard@marin.edu
Klein, Jesse Jane JKlein@marin.edu
Klein, Mike MKlein@marin.edu
Klein, Rachel rklein@marin.edu
Klinger, Alisa AKlinger@marin.edu
Knickerbocker Rabbe, Kate KKnickerbocker@marin.edu
Kostyrko, Jacek JKostyrko@marin.edu
Kreit, Cara CKreit@marin.edu
Kreuzer, Susanne SKreuzer@marin.edu
Kuromiya, James JKuromiya@marin.edu
Kurtz, Katie kkurtz@marin.edu
Kwan-Sy, Kailani kkwansy6615@marin.edu