Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Gable, Emily egable@marin.edu
Gaffney, Keli KGaffney@marin.edu
Gamal, Arif AGamal@marin.edu
Gapinski, Thelina tjgapinski@marin.edu
Gardiner, David DGardiner@marin.edu
Gardner, Ellen egardner2@marin.edu
Garetto, Enzo egaretto@marin.edu
Garretson, Patrick PGarretson@marin.edu
Gisle, Kirsten KGisle@marin.edu
Gloistein, Barbara bgloistein@marin.edu
Goldberg, Georgia GGoldberg@marin.edu
Gonzalez, James JGonzalez@marin.edu
Gonzalez, Marco MGonzalez@marin.edu
Good, Lesley lgood5@marin.edu
Goodale, Jayme JGoodale@marin.edu
Goodloe, Lacey lgoodloe@marin.edu
Goodwin, Ross RGoodwin@marin.edu
Gough, Daniel dgough@marin.edu
Graff, Alyssa ahumphreys@marin.edu
Graves, Tyler tlgraves@marin.edu
Gray, Maria MGray@marin.edu
Greitzer, Michelle MGreitzer@marin.edu
Grist, Gregg ggrist@marin.edu
Guillen, Hugo hguillen@marin.edu
Gutierrez, Derry dgutierrez5@marin.edu