Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

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NameSend Email
Macias de Munoz, Sandra smaciasdemunoz@marin.edu
Madril, Edwardo EMadril@marin.edu
Magallanes-Rivera, Alexandra amagallanesrivera@marin.edu
Mahmoud, Eiman emahmoud@marin.edu
Mahoney, Dave DMahoney@marin.edu
Malmquist-West, Sara smalmquistwest@marin.edu
Malouf, Janeatte JMalouf@marin.edu
Manento, Daudi dmanento@marin.edu
Marckwordt, Valerie VMarckwordt@marin.edu
Mariano, Elnore efmariano@marin.edu
Marinaro, Anthony amarinaro@marin.edu
Mark, Julie jmazzottamark@marin.edu
Marmysz, John JMarmysz@marin.edu
Martinez, Allyson almartinez@marin.edu
Martinez, Danae dlmartinez@marin.edu
Martinez, Manuel MMartinez@marin.edu
Martinisi, Michele MMartinisi@marin.edu
Massion, Cheo CMassion@marin.edu
Mayo, Miles RMayo@marin.edu
Mazumdar, Mrityunjoy mmazumdar@marin.edu
Mazzotta, Julie jmazzottamark@marin.edu
McBride, Christopher chmcbride@marin.edu
McCarthy, Ross rtmccarthy@marin.edu
McConnel, John jmcconnel@marin.edu
McGee, Padraig PMcGee@marin.edu
McGoon, Patricia pmcgoon@marin.edu
McIntyre, Nicole nmcintyre@marin.edu
McSween, Karen KMcSween@marin.edu
Mercado Trujillo, Juan jmercadotrujillo@marin.edu
Mercado Trujillo, Lupita mmercadotrujillo@marin.edu
Meza, Lynn lmeza9201@marin.edu
Michelangelo, Lori lmichelangelo@marin.edu
Mielke, Art AMielke@marin.edu
Mihal, Colleen CMihal@marin.edu
Miller, Julie JMiller@marin.edu
Miller, Trine TMiller@marin.edu
Mills, Anna armills@marin.edu
Minoia, Marco mjminoia@marin.edu
Mobbs, Paul pmobbs@marin.edu
Mondragon Rebollar, Israel imondragonreb2080@marin.edu
Monterichard, Karen kmonterichard@marin.edu
Montoya Olivares, Ricardo rmontoyaolivares@marin.edu
Moore, Jennifer jmoore13@marin.edu
Morales Orozco, Carol cmoralesorozco@marin.edu
Morales-Orozco, Helen hmoralesorozco@marin.edu
Morataya, Evelyn emorataya@marin.edu
Moreno, Christian cvmoreno@marin.edu
Moreno, Luz lmoreno@marin.edu
Morin, Tom TMorin@marin.edu
Morse, Lisa LMorse@marin.edu
Moynier, Sara smoynier@marin.edu
Mpandenyama, Alessandra ampandenyama@marin.edu
Mueller, Joe JMueller@marin.edu
Muller, Kevin kemuller@marin.edu
Murillo, Shirley smurillo@marin.edu
Murrin, Isabel imurrin@marin.edu
Musante, Danila dmusante@marin.edu
Muthui, Mo mmuthui7132@marin.edu
Myers, Lyza lmyers1@marin.edu