Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Abbott Brady, Darlene sbrady6@marin.edu
Abellera, Lisa labellera@marin.edu
Acker, Eileen EAcker@marin.edu
Africa, Erin emcbrideafrica@marin.edu
Agudelo-Silva, Fernando fagudelosilva@marin.edu
Aguilar, Raul raguilarpulido@marin.edu
Alaniz, Michele mmalaniz@marin.edu
Alexander, Diamond dlalexander@marin.edu
Alexander, Laura lalexander3348@marin.edu
Allen, Kenneth kallen8@marin.edu
Allen, Maula MAllen@marin.edu
Alvarado Wing, Kat kalvaradowing@marin.edu
Alvarez Gonzalez, Roberto jalvarezgonzalez@marin.edu
Amidei, Kathleen KBradley@marin.edu
Amundson, Lauren lamundson@marin.edu
Anderegg, Sarah sanderegg@marin.edu
Anderson, Shaylah shanderson@marin.edu
Antokhin, Kathleen kantokhin@marin.edu
Applegate, Monica mapplegate1@marin.edu
Arbona, Shaila sarbona@marin.edu
Ariano, Vaughan VAriano@marin.edu
Arrick, Jan JArrick@marin.edu
Ashby, Mariah mashby2@marin.edu
Atilgan Relyea, Aylin aatilganrelyea@marin.edu
Aviles, Francisco FAviles@marin.edu