Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Cady, Jeff JCady@marin.edu
Cairns, Mike MCairns@marin.edu
Callahan, Shawna sjcallahan@marin.edu
Cantua-Alvarez, Marco mcantuaalvarez@marin.edu
Carlisle, Dorian dcarlisle@marin.edu
Carnahan, Casey CCarnahan@marin.edu
Carrera, Steve scarrera@marin.edu
Carrillo, Aimee acarrillo6118@marin.edu
Carroll, Sheldon sjcarroll@marin.edu
Carter, Olivia ocarter@marin.edu
Casabella, Jessica jcasabella@marin.edu
Chang, Yungching YChang@marin.edu
Chavez Rodriguez, Luis lchavez5@marin.edu
Chen, Nico nichen@marin.edu
Cheney, Paul PCheney@marin.edu
Chi, Brian BChi@marin.edu
Christensen, Janet jlchristensen@marin.edu
Christensen, Tina TChristensen@marin.edu
Christiansen, Klaus kchristiansen@marin.edu
Chung, Shook ShookChung@marin.edu
Cifuentes Gudiel, Seydi scifuentes1@marin.edu
Clark, Tony agclark@marin.edu
Cobos, Diego dcobos@marin.edu
Coley, William wcoley@marin.edu
Comings, Bill wcomings@marin.edu
Contini, Victor VContini@marin.edu
Cooney, Ryan rcooney@marin.edu
Cooper, Daniel dgcooper@marin.edu
Cooper, Laura LCooper@marin.edu
Coronado, Victor vccoronado@marin.edu
Corpuz, Donte dcorpuz@marin.edu
Cortright, Seth scortright@marin.edu
Coss, Craig ccoss@marin.edu
Cottle, Windee WCottle@marin.edu
Coulson, Maria MCoulson@marin.edu
Crawford, Yashica ycrawford@marin.edu
Crosby, Frank FCrosby@marin.edu
Cruz Viera, Mercedes mcruz14@marin.edu
Cruz, Julio JCruz@marin.edu
Cruz, Nicole NCruz@marin.edu
Culbertson, Mark mculbertson@marin.edu
Cullen, Gina GCullen@marin.edu