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Crosby, Frank D


Email: FCrosby@marin.edu
Phone/Ext: 628-234-7364
Organizational UnitPosition
CommunicationTemporary Faculty Instrl
CommunicationTemporary Faculty Non-Instrl
Current and Future Courses
TermSection (CRN)CourseDatesDaysTimeCampusRoom
Fall 2024 82838 COMM 110 - Intro to Mass Communication 08/17/24-12/13/24 OA ONLINE
82851 COMM 160 - Class/Ethnicity/Identity/Media 08/17/24-12/13/24 OA
82100 FILM 109A - Cinema History: beg to WWII. 08/17/24-12/06/24 OA
82101 FILM 109B - History of Contemporary Media 08/17/24-12/06/24 Tu 09:10 AM-12:00 PM KTD VS 7
82833 FILM 150 - Digital Filmmaking 08/17/24-12/06/24 Tu 02:10 PM-05:00 PM KTD VS 7