Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Saez, Hector hsaez@marin.edu
Salazar, Victoria vsalazar@marin.edu
Saldana, Tristan TSaldana@marin.edu
Sanaie, Moha msanaie@marin.edu
Scarcella, Joseph JScarcella@marin.edu
Schaefer, Emily emschaefer@marin.edu
Schane, Burton BSchane@marin.edu
Schiff, Cynthia CSchiff@marin.edu
Schmiege, Matthew mschmiege1000@marin.edu
Schwappach, Lisa lschwappach@marin.edu
Schwartz, Carol CSchwartz@marin.edu
Scofield, Alan AScofield@marin.edu
Seery, Patricia PSeery@marin.edu
Serafin, Scott SSerafin@marin.edu
Servais, Lauren lservais@marin.edu
Sethre, Ian isethre@marin.edu
Seval Viswam, Vidhyah vsevalviswam@marin.edu
Shafer, Holley hshafer@marin.edu
Shahi, Jessica jshahi@marin.edu
Sharei, Niku nsharei@marin.edu
Shaw, Brieanna BShaw@marin.edu
Shaw, Ellen EShaw@marin.edu
Sheofsky, Beth ESheofsky@marin.edu
Shrestha, Devendra dkshrestha@marin.edu
Silvia, Jacob jasilvia@marin.edu
Sklove, Brett BSklove@marin.edu
Smith, Malaika masmith@marin.edu
Smith, Mike MSmith@marin.edu
Smith, Paul PSmith@marin.edu
Smith, Rion RSmith@marin.edu
Smith, Shelley sasmith@marin.edu
Smith, Victor VSmith@marin.edu
Smyth, Kathleen KSmyth@marin.edu
Smyth, Trevor tsmyth@marin.edu
So, Albert ASo@marin.edu
Sobieski, Grace gsobieski@marin.edu
Solis Krummes, Bruno bsolisorduna@marin.edu
Solis, Julian jusolis@marin.edu
Sparrow, Neil nsparrow@marin.edu
Spease, Jennifer JSpease@marin.edu
Staffen, Russel rstaffen@marin.edu
Stevenson, Troy trstevenson@marin.edu
Stewart, Paul pwstewart@marin.edu
Stopher, Jim jstopher@marin.edu
Strickland, JoAnne jlstrickland@marin.edu
Stubbs, Stephanie sstubbs@marin.edu
Suarez Maldonado, Alex ASuarezMaldonado@marin.edu
Subramanian, Mani MSubramanian@marin.edu
Sulaiman Hara, Sadika ssulaimanhara@marin.edu
Sywulak, Daria dsywulak@marin.edu