Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Padron, Thomas tpadron@marin.edu
Palmer, Ron RPalmer@marin.edu
Palomino, Melanie mpalomino@marin.edu
Paoli, Sarah spaoli@marin.edu
Paredes, Tanya tparedes@marin.edu
Park, Jessica JPark@marin.edu
Pasquel, Meg APasquel@marin.edu
Passer, Joyce JPasser@marin.edu
Patel, Beth BPatel@marin.edu
Patlolla, Sandhyarani SPatlolla@marin.edu
Patterson, Dave DPatterson@marin.edu
Paul, Jeffrey jpaul@marin.edu
Paulino, Joan JPaulino@marin.edu
Peitz, Heather HPeitz@marin.edu
Penkethman, Jennifer jpenkethman@marin.edu
Pensabene, Oksana OPensabene@marin.edu
Perales, Teresa tperales@marin.edu
Peraza, Emma eperazavdaderodr@marin.edu
Perez, Chelsey clperez@marin.edu
Perez, Ramiro RPerez@marin.edu
Perrone, Kristin KPerrone@marin.edu
Petrovsky, John JPetrovsky@marin.edu
Piccioni, Richard rpiccioni@marin.edu
Pinckney, Joanna JPinckney@marin.edu
Pines, Brian bpines@marin.edu
Plumb, Meagan
Pomajulca, Cesar CPomajulca@marin.edu
Prince, Kuniko KPrince@marin.edu
Pritchett, Kimberly kpritchett1@marin.edu
Privitt, Karen KPrivitt@marin.edu
Puch, Eresa epuch@marin.edu
Purcell, Shawn SPurcell@marin.edu