Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Rahman, Heather hrahman@marin.edu
Rahman, Susan srahman@marin.edu
Ramey, Byron BRamey@marin.edu
Ramos, Jarrod jramos7492@marin.edu
Reetz, Becky BReetz@marin.edu
Reilly, Sheila SReilly@marin.edu
Reyes, Ruby rureyes@marin.edu
Richard, Laura LRichard@marin.edu
Robertshaw, Mia mrobertshaw@marin.edu
Robertson, Noel NRobertson@marin.edu
Robertson, Tanya tanya.robertson@marin.edu
Robinson, Karen KRobinson@marin.edu
Rocha Rivera, Melvin mrocharivera@marin.edu
Rocky, Alice ARocky@marin.edu
Roderick, Irina IRoderick@marin.edu
Roghani, Parisa proghani@marin.edu
Rollins, Corina CRollins@marin.edu
Rolston, Caitlin CRolston@marin.edu
Romo Padilla, Lupe GRomoPadilla@marin.edu
Roohnavaz, Iman iroohnavaz@marin.edu
Rosas-Sanchez, Aneissa arosassanchez@marin.edu
Rosell, Pamela prosell@marin.edu
Rosenthal, Keith kmrosenthal@marin.edu
Rosiak, Theresa tcochran@marin.edu
Rothbart, George grothbart@marin.edu
Rowson, Zachary zrowson@marin.edu
Ruddle, Jo jruddle@marin.edu
Rudolph, Monica MRudolph@marin.edu
Ruhaka, Tuamana truhaka@marin.edu
Ruiz, Dustin DRuiz@marin.edu
Russell, LyRyan lcrussell@marin.edu
Russell, Marian msrussell@marin.edu