Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Bacigalupi, Lindsay LBacigalupi@marin.edu
Bagtas-Carmona, Emy EBagtasCarmona@marin.edu
Bare, Sheila sbare@marin.edu
Barnett, Marixa MBarnett@marin.edu
Barnosky, Willow wbarnosky@marin.edu
Barr, Maridel MBarr@marin.edu
Barrall, Mark MBarrall@marin.edu
Barthelemy, Lance lbarthelemy@marin.edu
Barzegar, Natalie NBarzegar@marin.edu
Bauer, Katherine kbauer@marin.edu
Beach, April abeach@marin.edu
Beadle, Carole cbeadle@marin.edu
Beal, Rebecca RBeal@marin.edu
Beattie, Kyle kbeattie@marin.edu
Bedi, Dolly pbedi@marin.edu
Beebe, Kathleen kbeebe@marin.edu
Begg, Connie cbegg@marin.edu
Benet, Micol mabenet@marin.edu
Berringer, Steve SBerringer@marin.edu
Bertolli, Laura lmbertolli@marin.edu
Bertuol-Okun, Sueli sbertuolokun@marin.edu
Bigeagle, Norman NBigeagle@marin.edu
Bjorklund, Trevor TBjorklund@marin.edu
Blusseau, Francoise fblusseau@marin.edu
Bogran Raymundo, Rolando rbogran@marin.edu
Bohlke, Wende wbohlke@marin.edu
Bonander, Barbara BBonander@marin.edu
Boner, Elizabeth eboner@marin.edu
Borisov, Olga OBorisov@marin.edu
Botello, Raul raul.botello@marin.edu
Brady, Stephen SBrady@marin.edu
Brannon, Shirleigh sbrannon@marin.edu
Breakstone, Julie JBreakstone@marin.edu
Bright, Alicia abright@marin.edu
Brock-Montalbano, Chanel cbrockmontalbano@marin.edu
Brookshire, Guy gbrookshire@marin.edu
Brown-Carson, Jamelia JBrownCarson@marin.edu
Bruce, Erik RBruce@marin.edu
Buckley, Bo bbuckley1@marin.edu
Buquen, Kenny KBuquen@marin.edu
Burlingham, Jan jburlingham@marin.edu
Burton, Christine cburton2@marin.edu
Byrne, Ryan rtbyrne@marin.edu