Employee Search

Please select the first letter of the employee's last name.  Alternatively, enter a keyword and press the Search button to find all employees with a last name, first name or nickname that begins with the keyword.  Select the employee's name for additional information.

For staff, a more integrated Office365 organizational directory Is available from the following link: https://nam.delve.office.com

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NameSend Email
Walker, Santon swalker@marin.edu
Walsh, Michelle mmwalsh@marin.edu
Walsh, Wendy WWalsh@marin.edu
Walter, Anita amwalter@marin.edu
Wang, Andrea AWang@marin.edu
Wanzo, Benjamin bwanzo@marin.edu
Warren, Deborah dwarren1@marin.edu
Wat, Timothy timwat@marin.edu
Welch, Brier abwelch@marin.edu
Wells, Stephanie swells@marin.edu
Wenck Reilly, Brennan bwenckreilly@marin.edu
Went, Marjorie mwent@marin.edu
Werlin, Rebecca RWerlin@marin.edu
Werlin, Rebecca rwerlin@marin.edu
West, Chris WWest@marin.edu
White, Crystal cwhite6966@marin.edu
White, David DWhite@marin.edu
Wiebe, Laura lwiebe@marin.edu
Willet, Nancy NWillet@marin.edu
Williams, Jeannine JWilliams@marin.edu
Willits, Ron RWillits@marin.edu
Wilson, Dina diwilson@marin.edu
Wilson, Paul PWilson@marin.edu
Wiltey, Flavia fwiltey@marin.edu
Winsor, Leslie lwinsor@marin.edu
Witte, Imgard IWitte@marin.edu
Wong, Ronnie ronnie.wong@marin.edu
Wong, Sally sswong@marin.edu
Wood, Logan RWood@marin.edu
Woodlief, Blaze BWoodlief@marin.edu
Wright, Keri klwright@marin.edu
Wright, Melinda mjwright@marin.edu
Wuerth, Mary mwuerth@marin.edu