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Gloistein, Barbara E


Email: [email protected]
Organizational UnitPosition
Fine and Visual ArtsTemporary Faculty Instrl
Current and Future Courses
TermSection (CRN)CourseDatesDaysTimeCampusRoom
Spring 2025 11828 ART 112 - 2-D Art and Design Foundations 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 02:10 PM-05:00 PM KTD FA 312
12848 ART 176A - Pottery on the Wheel I 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 06:10 PM-09:00 PM KTD FA 131
12849 ART 176B - Pottery on the Wheel II 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 06:10 PM-09:00 PM KTD FA 131
12927 ART 276A - Advanced Wheel Ceramics I 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 06:10 PM-09:00 PM KTD FA 131
12930 ART 276B - Advanced Wheel Ceramics II 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 06:10 PM-09:00 PM KTD FA 131