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Kerr, Grant R


Email: gkerr@marin.edu
Phone/Ext: 628-234-8518
Organizational UnitPosition
Career EducationInstructor
Current and Future Courses
TermSection (CRN)CourseDatesDaysTimeCampusRoom
Fall 2024 83535 MACH 100 - Career/Measurement/Math 08/17/24-12/06/24 TuTh 03:10 PM-05:40 PM IVC IVC BLDG05 100
83352 MACH 101 - Intro to Machine Technology 08/17/24-12/06/24 TuTh 06:10 PM-07:30 PM IVC IVC BLDG06 205
83352 MACH 101 - Intro to Machine Technology 08/17/24-12/06/24 TuTh 07:40 PM-08:30 PM IVC IVC BLDG04 160
83539 MACH 104 - CAD 3D Modeling and Drafting 08/17/24-12/06/24 MW 03:10 PM-04:00 PM IVC IVC BLDG05 100
83539 MACH 104 - CAD 3D Modeling and Drafting 08/17/24-12/06/24 MW 04:10 PM-05:00 PM IVC IVC BLDG05 100
83537 MACH 106 - Introduction to CNC Machining 08/17/24-12/06/24 MW 06:10 PM-07:00 PM IVC IVC BLDG06 100
83537 MACH 106 - Introduction to CNC Machining 08/17/24-12/06/24 MW 07:10 PM-08:30 PM IVC IVC BLDG04 160
83538 WELD 100 - Career/Measurement/Math 08/17/24-12/06/24 TuTh 03:10 PM-05:40 PM IVC IVC BLDG05 100