Program Profile

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Behavioral Science


NameSend EmailPhone
Gonzalez, Marco J 7635
Rahman, Susan A 7639
Sharei, Niku S  
Current and Future Courses

TermSection (CRN)CourseDatesDaysTimeCampusRoomInstructor
Spring 2025 10605 BEHS 103 - Human Sexuality 01/18/25-05/23/25 OA Rahman, Susan
12471 BEHS 130 - Race and Ethnicity 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 09:40 AM-11:00 AM KTD AC 240 Gonzalez, Marco
13377 BEHS 223 - Gender and Society 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 11:10 AM-12:30 PM KTD AC 240 Sharei, Niku S
12816 BEHS 252B - Service Learning 01/18/25-05/23/25 OA Rahman, Susan
