Program Profile

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Real Estate


NameSend EmailOfficePhone
Brown-Carson, Jamelia J FH 101  
Rollins, Corina FH 101  
Willet, Nancy L VS 8 7497
Current and Future Courses

TermSection (CRN)CourseDatesDaysTimeCampusRoomInstructor
Fall 2024 80095 REAL 115 - Real Estate Principles 08/17/24-12/06/24 M 06:10 PM-09:00 PM KTD AC 104 Rollins, Corina
80101 REAL 116 - Real Estate Practice 08/17/24-12/06/24 OA Brown-Carson, Jamelia
83176 REAL 117 - Legal Aspects/Real Estate 08/17/24-12/06/24 OA Willet, Nancy
80959 REAL 212 - Real Estate Appraisal I 08/17/24-12/06/24 W 06:10 PM-09:00 PM KTD AC 104 Rollins, Corina
82182 REAL 218 - Property Management 08/17/24-12/06/24 OA Brown-Carson, Jamelia
