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DAgostino, Lisa M


Email: [email protected]
Organizational UnitPosition
Fine and Visual ArtsTemporary Faculty Instrl
Current and Future Courses
TermSection (CRN)CourseDatesDaysTimeCampusRoom
Spring 2025 11831 ART 116 - Jewelry/Small Metals I 01/18/25-05/16/25 TuTh 09:40 AM-12:30 PM KTD FA 123
11832 ART 117 - Jewelry/Small Metals II 01/18/25-05/16/25 F 10:10 AM-05:00 PM KTD FA 123
12031 ART 216 - Jewelry/Small Metals III 01/18/25-05/16/25 F 10:10 AM-05:00 PM KTD FA 123
12034 ART 217 - Jewelry/Small Metals IV 01/18/25-05/16/25 F 10:10 AM-05:00 PM KTD FA 123