Credit/Noncredit Schedule Search

Summer and Fall 2024 Schedules Available Now.
How to Search for Classes Online
Use the Options filter to find UC and CSU transferable or ZTC courses.  Important course information, such as mandatory meetings, are listed in the course footnotes.
Credit sections = light blue    Noncredit sections = yellow

Summer and Fall 2024 courses will be held in the following delivery modes: on-campus, online (online asynchronous), or hybrid (a combination of on-campus and online asynchronous).
Schedule Legend:
Online Asynchronous (OA)Classes that are online asynchronous are entirely online and have no required meeting times (any synchronous meeting times are optional for students).
HybridClasses are held on-campus and online (the online portion of the class includes asynchronous time).
KTD/IVC/OFFClasses that are held in-person at the Kentfield or Indian Valley Campuses (BLDG01-28) or at an off-site location.
Please check the course footnotes for additional information (to access the course footnotes, please click on the course CRN).


TermSection (CRN)CourseLevelCredit UnitsTextBooksDatesDaysTimeCampusRoomTypeInstructor
Fall 2024 83321 COUN 101 - Educational Planning Credit0.500  08/12/24-12/06/24 Kentfield TBA CLASBeattie, Kyle
82330 COUN 110 - Academic Success Strategies Credit3.000  08/29/24-12/13/24 Th 06:00 PM-09:00 PM Kentfield AC 246 CLASUrena, Javier
83523 COUN 110NC - Academic Success Strategies Noncredit0.000  08/29/24-12/13/24 Th 06:00 PM-09:00 PM Kentfield AC 246 CLASUrena, Javier
83456 COUN 117 - PIQ Boot Camp Credit1.000  08/26/24-10/21/24 M 02:10 PM-04:00 PM Kentfield AC 241 CLASPerrone, Kristin
83457 COUN 117 - PIQ Boot Camp Credit1.000  09/15/24-11/03/24 F 09:40 AM-11:45 AM Kentfield AC 247 CLASPerrone, Kristin
83455 COUN 118 - Transfer Application Support Credit1.000  10/04/24-11/15/24 F 11:10 AM-03:00 PM Kentfield AC 241 CLASMoreno, Luz
81918 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  09/09/24-10/30/24 MW 05:55 PM-09:00 PM Kentfield FA 215 CLASJimenez Martinez, Guadalupe
83079 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  08/17/24-12/06/24 TuTh 12:40 PM-02:00 PM Kentfield AC 247 CLASStevenson, Troy
83202 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  08/26/24-12/06/24 Hybrid ONLINE CLASArbona, Shaila
83202 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  08/26/24-12/06/24 M 10:10 AM-11:35 AM Hybrid AC 241 CLASArbona, Shaila
83203 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  08/17/24-12/13/24 Online Asynchronous ONLINE CLASKlein, Rachel
83282 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  08/17/24-12/06/24 Hybrid ONLINE CLASEscobar, Caitlin
83282 COUN 130 - Career Life Skills Planning Credit3.000  08/17/24-12/06/24 Tu 10:10 AM-11:30 AM Hybrid AC 116 CLASEscobar, Caitlin
83534 COUN 130NC - Career Life Skills Planning Noncredit0.000  09/09/24-10/30/24 MW 05:55 PM-09:00 PM Kentfield FA 215 CLASJimenez Martinez, Guadalupe
83004 COUN 133 - Career Exploration Credit1.000  11/09/24-12/22/24 Online Asynchronous ONLINE CLASPerrone, Kristin